Appui à la stratégie d'intervention du Gouvernement pour la prévention et la lutte contre la corruption

The overall objective of the service was to support the authorities of the Union of Comoros notably in:

·       The consolidation of the transparency of public management;

·       Improving the sense of responsibility and the general interest;

·       The promotion and respect of inherent ethical values;

·       Build the confidence in the relationship between the administration, the citizens and the private sector;

·       The development of the institutional framework for the prevention of corruption;

·       The improvement of the transparency of the financial system.

The specific objectives of this consultation were:

·       Develop a diagnosis of the implementation of the National Strategy for Prevention and Action Plan for the Fight against Corruption, as well as an assessment of the mission carried out by the National Commission for Prevention and Combating Corruption;

·       Support the Comorian Government to consolidate its intervention strategy for the prevention and fight against corruption by defining the most effective structures and mechanisms to achieve the objectives

·       Develop a government action plan with technical and methodological tools for its implementation;

·       Propose the activities of the action plan to be implemented in the next 11th EDF justice and public finance programs in the Comoros.

A senior expert was responsible for the technical coordination of the study. His assistance tasks included:

·       Analysis of the existing documents;

·       Development a diagnosis of the implementation of the National Strategy for Prevention and Action Plan for the Fight against Corruption, as well as an assessment of the mission carried out by the National Commission for Prevention and Combating Corruption;

·       Evaluation of the CNPLC's mission since its creation;

·       Development of a government action plan (over 5 years): tools and methods to put in place;

·       Support the EU, through proposals for activities to be implemented in the framework of the Justice Sector Support Program (PASJU) and Support to the Reform of Public Finances (PAREFIP) programs of the 11th EDF;

·       Report finalisation

Project Details

  • Country: Comoros
  • Region: EDF / ACP,
  • Area of competence:
    Governance > Anti-corruption organisations and institutions
  • Donor organisation: European Commission
  • Start of project: June 2017