Formulation du programme d'appui à la professionnalisation des organisations de la société civile et conception d'un système efficient de suivi – évaluation des contrats OSC appuyés par l'UE

The general objective of this mission was to contribute to improving the living conditions of the Congolese population by strengthening CSOs so that they play an increased role in the development of the DRC. The specific objectives of the mission were as follows:

  • Support the National Authorizing Officer of the EDF (Ministry of Finance - COFED) and the DUE in the formulation of the professionalization program for civil society in the DRC
  • Establish a monitoring and evaluation system for all EU-financed actions in favour of civil society

Project Details

  • Country: Congo RDC
  • Region: EDF / ACP,
  • Area of competence:
    Civil Society > Civil society empowerment
  • Donor organisation: European Commission
  • Start of project: April 2019