Mission d'assistance technique a la Cellule d'appui a l'ON en RDC (COFED) Phase II

The general objective of the emission is to contribute, on one side, to maximise the efficiency, efficacy and the impact of the cooperation between the European Union and the DRC and, on another side, to accelerate the implementation of the PIN resources.

The specific objective is to permit the DRC, through the National Authorising Officer of the FED, to fully assure his assigned role in the framework of the partnership agreement of Cotonou for programing, identification, formulation and implementation of programmes and projects financed by the FED.

-          The contribution to the revitalisation of the structure and framework of the human resources within the COFED, in relation to the different support functions to the NO of the FED, and on the basis of a plan of action.

-          Support the NO of the FED in all the actions of the programing, conception, instruction and implementation of the projects and programmes of the 11th FED while assuring the participation of beneficiaries and other technical ministries concerned.

-          Identification of the supports in terms of expertise for the PAON 3 as well as elaboration of the terms of reference corresponding to the eventual needs of the formation.

-          The placement of a regular monitoring system of the cooperation so as to assure that the NO and the technical ministries are informed of the improvement of the projects. This concerned notably the implementing of a framework permitting the operationalization of a follow-up system of result indicators from the different conventions of financing (in relation to the intervention sectors) and to define the tasks and responsibilities as much inside of the COFED than with the institutional partners: the technical ministries and the DUE.

Identification of the key actors by the ministries implicated in the cooperation EU-DRC and their formation needs.

Project Details

  • Country: Congo RDC
  • Region: Africa,EDF / ACP,
  • Donor organisation: European Commission
  • Start of project: July 2015